Internet users may fear whether personal data that they provide in the internet are safe and not stolen by others. Most of the public organizations have imposed internet security onto their internet web page. These internet securities basically guarantee four essential components in establishing trust on-line and smart card based transactions, and they are: confidentiality, authentication, integrity and non-repudiation.
At present the licensed Certification Authorities which can issue out digital certificates are Digicert Sdn Bhd and MSC Trustgate Dotcom Sdn Bhd. Both companies offer certification services with digital certificates to secure web servers, browser and email packages with a range of assurance level.
At present the licensed Certification Authorities which can issue out digital certificates are Digicert Sdn Bhd and MSC Trustgate Dotcom Sdn Bhd. Both companies offer certification services with digital certificates to secure web servers, browser and email packages with a range of assurance level.
Besides, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission have played a role where it oversees and regulates the operations of the Certification Authorities, repositories and date/time stamping services in Malaysia. Apart from that, it is also empowered to ensure that the licensed Certification Authorities and the recognized repositories and date/time service providers maintain a high level of integrity and quality in rendering their services. It also looks into the determination and coordination of the Certification Authority trust model and cross-certification policies with foreign Certification Authorities.
With the 3rd party certification programme in Malaysia, we will be able to transact on the internet without fear of having our personal data stolen, our information contaminated by third parties, and our transacting party denying any commercial commitment with us. Furthermore, it assists in the development of greater Internet based activities.
I do have my own website, and I truly agree with the need for this 3rd party certification programme in Malaysia.
I once tried to create an e-commerce website which will accept payments but I actually don't know where to certify that my site is safe for transactions!
Maybe I'll try out Digicert's solution. Thanks for the pointer. Appreciate it.
Hey it's a good idea there to certify your stuffs for online things. Those sites that have a cert on it saying it's safe, I'll have more confidence doing things on it.
Heh even those that don't involve buying things, I'm still not so sure whether I want to give out my details to those sites. But I guess I'm quite comfortable giving my info for sites with 3rd party certification.
Sadly, I don't think sites from Malaysia willing to go thru the hassle to implement this? Too bad.
To phua:
you can try out the few link that i had recommended here. It should be useful for you.
To Mizuno:
Most of the bank had actually implement those safeguard for their online users. It is to give a better assurance for their client when they doing online transactions.
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